Paweł Dębski, PhD, Eng. from Scope Fluidics was among the winners of the international training competition “V4 Innovators in Israel Training Program”. He presented to the jury the BacterOMIC system developed by the company – the first comprehensive solution for testing bacterial resistance to antibiotics.
BacterOMIC competed with other projects from the areas of ICT, healthcare, transport, smart mobility, automotive, FinTech, cyber security, cybernetics, artificial intelligence and biotechnology, and has scored the maximum number of points. Apart from Paweł Dębski, six winners from four European countries will take part in a special two-week training course.
The aim of the project is to support start-ups and employees of incubators from the Visegrad Group countries – Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary – in assessing the market potential of their innovative ideas, breakthrough solutions, products and services. Participation in international, specialized training will provide participants with practical tools for running an innovative business.
Paweł Dębski is a doctor of chemical sciences, a graduate of the International PhD Studies at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He has been working for Scope Fluidics Group since 2012, specializing in the application of statistical methods and data science for the analysis of results and optimization of biological experimentation procedures.