Piotr Garstecki, CEO and co-founder of Scope Fluidics, received a Special Award for international expansion in the EY Entrepreneur of the Year competition.
As stated by the competition jury in its justification, this award is for “an entrepreneur who has successfully combined the world of science and the world of business, creating a unique team of specialists in Poland and achieved international success in the commercialization of the created technology.”
Piotr Garstecki is one of the youngest professors in Poland. He combines a love of learning with a business, pragmatic approach to challenges.
EY Entrepreneur of the Year is the only international initiative of this rank promoting the best entrepreneurs. The competition has been organized around the world by EY since 1986 and is attended by nearly 60 countries. In Poland, the first edition took place in 2003.
More about the EY Entrepreneur of the Year competition: https://przedsiebiorcaroku.pl/