Scope Fluidics meets the representatives of LG


Scope Fluidics S.A. Management Board met the representatives of Korean concern LG Chem. The aim of this meeting was to become acquainted with each other and to initially recognize potential fields of cooperation between both companies.

The meeting of Scope Fluidics Management Board and the representatives of LG Chem Technology Center was held on 23 November in the company’s seat in Warsaw. During the meeting, we presented the functionalities and competitive advantages of PCR|ONE and Bacteromic diagnostic systems, the current status of works related to them, schedules of further milestone tasks and planned dates of projects’ completion.

Moreover, the meeting entailed a discussion on the business model of Scope Fluidics, which assumes selling the PCR|ONE technology to a worldwide producer of medical devices.

LG Chem is a member of Korean concern LG which operates in three industries: chemical, electronic and telecommunications. LG Chem owns subsidiaries in Asia, America and Europe. In 2016, it merged with LG Life Science Company. Currently, LG Chem Life Science is a global company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Its portfolio includes biopharmaceutical and diagnostic products and a lot more.